Sunday, 10 October 2010

The Cube!

That spinning cube in the sidebar was made in only 3 hours by a total beginner in JavaScript/HTML5. I made it just to see how powerful the canvas element is and it surely convinced me.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Robot Unlock Update

What's new:

+ added a crash course in the instructions menu
+ added a save system and copy/load level from clipboard - now you can share your best solution on forums (the encoded solution is really small)
+ fixed some levels

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Robot Unlock: FAQ

Q: What is Robot Unlock?
A: A puzzle game, more specific: a 2D Befunge-like programming puzzle game.

Q: A programming game? Is that fun?
A: Programming in this game = putting plates for the little robots to follow.
The firts 12 challanges are really simple and accessible to anyone, they're deisgned to get you aquainted with the concept and the game enviroment.

Q: What do all those plates do?
A: Detailed instructions are accessible from the game. I will also post some sample programs made with the game to show you how powerful the language is.

Q: Who is this Ted fellow?
A: Your friendly floating head. Seriously.

Q: How long did the development take?
A: About a month. I had been thinking about making this game for some time so most of the concepts were already settled.

Q: What tools did you use to create the game?
A: The game was programmed in AutoIt v3 and the "artwork" was made in MSPaint and GIMP. The music is composed by Gillenium, Halindir and mariomusicmaker1 - many, many thanks to them and the font is from - it's made by Rein Sacha.

...and the screenshot of the post - you try and figure out what it does

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Robot Unlock is OUT!!!

Short description: a 2D Befunge-like multithreaded programming language wrapped nicely in a puzzle game's outfit.
Detailed instructions are accessible via the In-Game Menu and Ted (your friendly floating head) will be happy to give you some hints here and there.

I will post more on the game in the next days.

Download it from GameJolt

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Whir: Update 2

New stuff:
 + a launcher
 + the ability to run in 1024x768
 + artwork - new decoration tiles
 + 2 new ambiental tracks composed by ObsidianSnow
 + the game now has an ending (it did not have an ending until now because you can always generate new levels, so it doesn't practically end, but it seemed a good idea to congratulate whoever gets to the last level and solves it)

Download it from GameJolt or from IndiePub
P.S. the SimplePlay option on IndiePub is not working properly

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Coin: Alpha

Q: What is Coin anyway?
A: Coin is a freeware assembly-like scripting language designed for educational purposes. The main feature of Coin is its configurable interpreter which acts more like an emulator. With the help of the interpreter the user can specify how many clock cycles does it take for every instruction to be executed. The user can also specify how many registers and how much memory is available and how large the stack is. This level of customization is ideal for algorithmic problems. The challenge the programmer is faced is to conceive an efficient algorithm for a specific strange machine (e.g. one without arithmetic instructions, one with only 4 registers).

Q: Where can I try it?
A: Download Coin from

P.S. Keep in mind that this is an alpha release.

COIN is coming

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Whir: Update!

What's new?
 + added instructions
 + added actual numbers to levels in the Level Select screen
 + you can return to the Main Menu from the Level Select screen
 + the game now "runs in its own window"
 + the game now comes as a zip archive

Download link