Elementary cellular automata and more


Generate rules
...also add these rules:

Input by RuleString

Input by IdNumber

RuleSet (click to edit):

For the full list of 2 states elementary cellular automatons check this listing

Neat RuleStrings (3 states):
  • 011002110112211222121222021
  • 122012022210000221010220202
  • 100120222000122200201000200
  • 100011211112212021210221211
  • 011022212120120010000100221
  • 122112100202100010202201221
Neat RuleStrings (4 states):
  • 3020233232122323222223121230031330121231033001312101203300301333
  • 0110310210103100221133033003120002112202332130000102133002031300
  • 2101200232231210332202232100211223211210312222231130223231111120

Rules can be inputted by their RuleString or IdNumber (when possible). RuleSets are numbered according to Wolfram's numbering system. If you want to simlate the classic "Rule 30" you can just input "30" as the IdNumber and select for the automaton to have only 2 states. There are two particular RuleSets on which you can add additional rules. The first is the "Zero" ruleset in which any configuration turns into a "0" (think of it as a blank ruleset). The second template ruleset is that in which cells do not change their state and are independent of their neighbours. Additionally, RuleSets can be randomly generated and have some rules overridden.

The syntax for defining additional rules is as follows:
<left_cell_state><own_state><right_cell_state> <new_state>

Ex 1:
000 1 //turns any "0" cell surrounded by two "0" cells into a "1" cell

Ex 2:
010 1
011 1
110 1
111 1
//this set of rules leaves every "1" cell intact

Ex 3:
010 0
001 1
100 1
//this set of rules generates a sierpinky triangle-like structure

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