You move with the arrow keys.
Your goal is to obtain in the upper row the same values as in the lower row.
Rule of thumb: Experiment and don't give up easily. Hit the regenerate button (ReGen) to generate another level as hard as the current one, and yes, all levels are procedurally generated.
The tiles
[<<] and [>>] move your pointers (the green and red brackets)
[++] and [--] adds 1 and subtracts 1 from the values indicated by the pointers
[+] (green) adds the value indicated by the red pointer to the value indicated by the green one
[+] (red) adds the value indicated by the green pointer to the value indicated by the red one
[-], [*], [/] read above
[||] merges the two values (3 || 7 = 37)
[#] (green) makes you jump over one tile if the value indicated by the green pointer is equal or greater than the value indicated by the red one
[#] (red) makes you jump over one tile if the value indicated by the red pointer is equal or greater than the value indicated by the green one
[G] (green) doesn't let you pass if the value indicated by the red pointer is greater than the value indicated by the green one
[G] (red) doesn't let you pass if the value indicated by the green pointer is greater than the value indicated by the red one
You move with the arrow keys.
Your goal is to obtain in the upper row the same values as in the lower row.
Rule of thumb: Experiment and don't give up easily. Hit the regenerate button (ReGen) to generate another level as hard as the current one, and yes, all levels are procedurally generated.
The tiles
[<<] and [>>] move your pointers (the green and red brackets)
[++] and [--] adds 1 and subtracts 1 from the values indicated by the pointers
[+] (green) adds the value indicated by the red pointer to the value indicated by the green one
[+] (red) adds the value indicated by the green pointer to the value indicated by the red one
[-], [*], [/] read above
[||] merges the two values (3 || 7 = 37)
[#] (green) makes you jump over one tile if the value indicated by the green pointer is equal or greater than the value indicated by the red one
[#] (red) makes you jump over one tile if the value indicated by the red pointer is equal or greater than the value indicated by the green one
[G] (green) doesn't let you pass if the value indicated by the red pointer is greater than the value indicated by the green one
[G] (red) doesn't let you pass if the value indicated by the green pointer is greater than the value indicated by the red one